Start studying Finnish
Studying the Finnish language in different life situations (pdf, 93 kt)
On this page you will find information about studying Finnish in the city of Kouvola
Approximately 87 % of Finns speak Finnish as their native language. Approximately 5 % of Finns speak Swedish. When you speak the language, you will become acclimatised more easily and will be more at home in Finland. It will be easier to attend to your affairs with authorities, keep abreast of the news, get to know people and make friends.
At most jobs, you need to know Finnish.
If you are a student, you have access to Finnish language courses also at your own school/university.
Finnish Language Courses in Kouvola
Part-time Finnish language courses
- Study part-time in the evenings
Kymenlaakson Opisto, Fast track Finnish: Suomen kielen opetus maahanmuuttajille I Kymenlaakson Opisto
Kouvolan iltalukio - Finnish for a stay-at-home parent
Kouvolan kansalaisopisto
In UMAKO training, Finnish is studied twice a week. The training is intended for parents caring for a child at home. During the course, childcare is provided by the staff of the Kouvola open early childhood education staff.
Basic education for adults
You can take part in basic education for adults (aikuisten perusopetus in Finnish), if you have not completed your basic education, discontinued your basic education, or you want to improve the grades on your basic education certificate.
Completing the entirety of comprehensive school (peruskoulu) takes about 2–4 years.
Basic education for adults is available at Kouvolan iltalukio and Valkealan opisto
Integration training for immigrants
The aim of integration training is to help you acquire sufficient
- linguistic-,
- social-,
- cultural-, and
- life management skills.
The training is intended for adult immigrants who are clients of the Job Market Finland Office (website link). The appropriate course is guided through an entry level test. New courses start approximately every 60 days.
Kouvolan Ammattiopisto Eduko
Kymenlaakson Opisto Suomen kielen kurssit I Kymenlaakson Opisto
Updated 19.2.2025